Family Archetypes and Relationship Dynamics
Participants will learn practical examples of how relationship dynamics reveal itself with in a healing session. This includes all BodyTalk Fundamentals concepts as well as advanced concepts of The Living Matrix, Consciousness, 5 Senses, 5 Elements, Planets, Qi, Chinese Clock, Microbiome and more.
Each week we explore how personality masks or our "roles" are mirrored with in the "inner world" of the body-mind and "outer world" of our relationships. Plus, you will learn how to balance these and more with in a healing session.
How do our masks or roles support us moving forward in life with harmony?
How do our roles inhibit or hold us back?
Are there roles that we attempt to run from or avoid?
Are we playing out the role of healthy or unhealthy family traditions?
Do we find ourselves "swapping roles" in specific situations or circumstances?