The Habit Loop
What five questions you should ask of every habit or decision?
Understanding the collective consciousness of our habits.
Let's explore the differences between the creative mind vs. habit mind.
Going cold turkey vs. collapsing the quantum waveform.
"Breaking Bad" - where is that pre-frontal cortex when you need it?
Which protein supports neuroplasty (laying down new nerve pathways)?
"Ground Hog Day" Why is your present habit a replay of your past?
Where does "will power" reside in the brain?
Over consumption: addictions of alcohol, sex, smoking, food and purchasing
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and addiction.
"Relax, Don't Do It!" - role of the insular cortex.
A near miss or big win, which one fuels the compulsive gambler?
"The Gate Keeper of Dopamine."
"The Wonder Years" - the most important seven years of your