What is your spleen telling you? 1. Feelings of being stuck in a pattern or reoccurring life theme. 2. Frequent "sighing" especially when going from standing to sitting positions. 3. Day time fatigue and late night "munchies. 4. Holding onto shame and guilt. 5. Eating meals standing, on the run or while watching TV. 6. Slumped posture, "saggy body", or prolapse of body parts. 7. Anxiety driven actions vs. being mindful of responsibilities. 8. Your Spleen "screams for ice cream" (craving sweets or yellow/white foods). 9. Codependent relationships with a need to be a "people pleaser." 10. Self sabotage vs. embracing change
Do you observe any of these in your healing practice or personal life? Let's take a look at these and other spleen signals. What is our spleen telling us?
Balancing the Spleen and Lymphatics within a BodyTalk session has the potential for deep healing in all aspects of life. The technique is simple but the your level of understanding, ability to observe with clarity can create a neutral space for healing that leads to profound shifts.
Week 1 - "Creating the Sacred Space" - Balance, Boundaries and Retreats & Group Healing Session.
Week 2 - "TV Dinner" - Nourishment vs. Cravings in a Spleen Deficient World
Week 3 - "The Cleanse" - Guilt, Shame, Forgiveness, Obsessions, and Co-dependencies
Week 4 - "Sigh, Plop and Slump" - 5 Elements, Structure, Qi, and Reciprocals
Week 5 - "Mind Your Net" - Consciousness, Anxieties and Sabotage Patterns
Week 6 - Guided Visualization of the Lymphatic System and Spleen & Group Matrix Session" (Facilitated by Angela Adkins)