Balancing the Endocrines within a BodyTalk session has the potential for deep healing in all aspects of life. The technique is simple but the your level of understanding, ability to observe with clarity and create a neutral space for healing can lead to profound shifts.
Join us as we explore the dynamic energy of the Endocrines, their role in physical health, mental well-being, emotional balance, harmony with the environment and spiritual aspects such as:
- Infertility belief systems
- "Personality types" of endocrines
- Moon phase influences
- Estrogen and Progesterone relationship
- Pathological and natural emotions
- Maternal instincts, Bonding and the "Trust Hormone"
- Neediness vs. healthy boundaries in your healing practice
- "Permissions of Endocrines"
- Cellular Repair solutions of the endocrines
- Role of the parathyroid
- Body posture indicators of endocrine function
- "The Big Eight" - Hypothalamus (brain) hormones
- Anniversary illnesses and the Thymus gland
- Cranial-sacral influences of our hormones
- Night sweats and body temperature
- Parathyroid gland and Osteoporosis
- Jet lag and shift workers
- Incontinence
- Body Chemistry & 12 Environmental Endocrine Disruptions
- Chronic Fatigue Axis
- Cortisol and our Sacred Space
- Insomnia and sleep-wake patterns
- 12 Meridian's influence
- Speaking our truth
- Chakra partnerships
- The Heart - classified as an endocrine or organ?
- Why top achieving men need feminine energy in family, sports, and business
- and much more...
Each week we explore together the physiology, emotional, conscious expressions, belief systems, energetic (5 Elements, Chakras and Meridians) and environmental influences of the topics below.
Plus, you will learn practical ways of integrating the information to enhance your BodyTalk and healing sessions.
Week 1 - Pineal & Pituitary - "Timing and Well-being"
Week 2 - Thyroid & Thymus "Truth and Protection"
Week 3 - Pancreas & Adrenals "The Sweet Life and Coping"
Week 4 - Ovaries & Testes "Letting Go and Life Force"
Week 5 - Infertility, The Moon, and The Nest
Week 6 - Guided Visualization of the Endocrines & Group Matrix Session"
(Facilitated by Angela Adkins)