Balancing the Chakras within a BodyTalk session has the potential for deep healing in all aspects of life. The technique is simple but the your level of understanding, ability to observe with clarity and create a neutral space for healing can lead to profound shifts.
Join us as we explore the dynamic energy of Seven Chakras and the sub-chakras from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects such as:
- Understanding the parallels of Active Memory and the chakras
- Exploring the connection of chakras with Innate Wisdom
- Balancing sleep disorders, migraines and memory
- Neutralizing emotional triggers with specific chakras
- Balancing relationships to family, groups, individuals or genders
- Viewing hormones imbalances from the feminine and masculine
- Resolving conflicts in the relationship with our environment
- Balancing limited expressions of male or female chakra energy
- Understanding the four types of client communication and their related chakras
- Observing the role of chakras in self nourishment, maintaining healthy weight and relationships with food
A Glimpse of the Topics
Week 1 - The Seven Centers of Transformation
Group BodyTalk Session - Send in your intentions as we facilitate a group BodyTalk/MindScape style session to start the series. Join live or listen to the recording.
The Chakra Story - Let's explore the history of chakras, sanskrit meaning, where they reside in the body, partnership with the spinal cord and their seats of consciousness.
The Review - An interactive look at the chakras, how to move through the exploring procedure with Definitions and Orientation Box, examples of links. (A great review for those preparing for the certification exam)
Week 2 - Base and Crown
You're Grounded for Life! - Gain a deeper understanding of beliefs around money, guilt, self nurturing, maternal instincts and our connections with the environment.
"Innate, We Have a Problem" - Enhance your awareness of the crown chakara's influence of Innate Wisdom function and the other six chakras.
Survival or Spiritual - What is driving your or your client's life? Let's take a look at how to bring balance with the base and crown healing partnership.
Week 3 - Sexual and Brow
The Pleasure Cruise - Understanding the sexual chakra's role in our
creativity, art, academics, expression of sexuality/sensuality, and intimacy.
It's OK to Project on the World - Exploring the brow chakra's role in inner communication, insight, intuition harmonizing hormones and as an intuitive guide in life.
Manifesting Your Dream Board - Let's take a look at the yin and yang influences of our subtle 5 senses, visualization life priorities and living a creative life.
Week 4 - Solar Plexus - Throat
The Receiver - Discover why the solar plexus can be your "best friend or critical nemesis" in your relationships with self, family, spouses, friends, society, money, emotions, success and career.
This Time, Say it With Feeling - Wow! How many of your family members or clients have communication challenges or Thyroid imbalances? What are they mirroring to you? What is your family's communication style? Let's take a look at the role of the throat chakra in verbal and non-verbal communication and speaking our truth.
"My Blanket and Binky" (pacifier/nubby) - Are you playing it safe in life, covering up your true self, waiting for the next big break or living a life of silence? Let's take a look healthy yin and yang balance of the solar plexus and throat chakra's healing?
Week 5 - Your Counselor - Heart Chakra
"Dr. Phil of the Chakras" - Gain a deeper understanding of the heart chakra's role in relationships, self love, holding grudges and chronic immune challenges.
Compassion vs. Caring - Do you need for people to "get better" with BodyTalk? Learn how the balance or imbalance of the heart chakra plays out in your sessions and in life.
Are You a Doormat Healer? - Let's take a look at establishing healthy practitioner and client relationships.
Week 6 The Chakra Within - The Sub-chakras
Let's Play the Chakra Game - A class favorite! This is one of our favorite teaching tools games from our BodyTalk Fundamental course. Gain a deeper understanding of the information revealed by the sub-chakras and instantly integrate this into your sessions.
Group BodyTalk Session - Let's integrate and synthesize the series information with a group BodyTalk/MindScape style session. Join us live or listen to the recorded session audio.