Emotional Resolution Session
"After one EmRes session with, my chronic anxiety eased dramatically within 24 hours. It's been months since my session and I continue to feel better! - K.H.
Long Lasting Results for Stressful Emotions
Resolve Emotional Stress Manifesting as Physical Conditions
Irritable Bowel, migraines, eczema, chronic pain, sciatica, chronic fatigue and more.
View client experiences - click here
What is Emotional Resolution (EmRes)?
- The EmRes method gently and safely connects you to the origin of a stressful emotion through your physical sensations.
- The sensations provide a precise road map or GPS to the origin of the disruptive emotion.
- By observing current sensations from a safe place, we have access to the body's natural capacity to resolve any disruptive emotion, regardless of intensity, duration or impact on your life.
- Results are immediate and long-lasting allowing people to live free from emotional burdens.
- There is no reliving the original trauma or sharing of private details.
What keeps you from experiencing inner peace?
Inhibition - Do you feel stuck or held back in areas such as personal relationships, finances, body composition, career, education, money, holding grudges, physical pain, phobias, or anxiety?
Aggression - Do you become aggressive or direct anger towards a spouse, partner, child, parent, boss, co-worker, religion, political group, organization, or during competitive events?
Avoidance - Are you running from or attempting to run from life's responsibilities in areas such as relationships, financial decisions, change, conflict, social settings, meeting new people, public speaking or intimacy?
Attempting to Control - Is there an activity, routine or regimen that, if not carried out, your stress or physical symptoms become worse?
Example: Needing a few glasses of wine to reduce stress or applying a relaxation technique such as deep breathing.
Good News! You have the natural, innate capacity to resolve any stressful emotional trigger or unwanted behavior. This is true regardless of the history of how this has impacted your life and the lives of others.
Resolving Relationships |
Panic Attacks Disappeared |
What happens during an EmRes Session?
- Emotional Resolution sessions are facilitated by phone.
- You will be sitting comfortably and are fully conscious during the session.
- No revisiting or retriggering the original trauma or high stress event.
- There is no need to share any private details or personal history.
- This method is like having a casual conversation.
- After the session, a "check in" appointment is made to ensure positive results.
Schedule Your Emotional Resolution Session - Click Here
For the complete resolution of your emotional difficulty. |