Angela Adkins has over 30 years of experience in the field of holistic healing and personal empowerment processes and is passionate about helping others find their inner voice. She believes that all people have the ability to connect with an unlimited source of inner strength and power. Angela is a licensed Massage Therapist, Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified BodyTalk Instructor, BodyTalk Access Trainer, Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner and Trainer and an Advanced Senior MindScape Instructor.
Angela's teaching and lecturing experiences include: BodyTalk Fundamentals, BodyTalk Fundamentals Integration, MindScape, Advanced MindScape, MindScape for BodyTalkers, Emotional Resolution Professional Trainer, and a guest speaker at international education conferences. Angela, and her husband Todd, are cocreators and cofacilitators of the Monday Group Session and facilitate online personal growth and holistic healing study groups with participants around the world.
Angela enjoys teaching and connecting with audiences of all backgrounds such as corporate executives, business owners, computer technology professionals, advertisement/marketing experts, entrepreneurs, wellness professionals, creatives, students, scientists, medical professionals, athletes, families, and individuals.
Angela teaches a guided alpha state meditation technique called MindScape. The MindScape course teaches students to access a state of calm, open focus. This form of structured intuition allows people of all ages to easily connect with the creative zone state and apply it to daily living with amazing results. She has facilitated workshops for over 3,500 students in the United States, Japan, Brazil, Canada, and Germany.
Angela and Todd own and operate a holistic practice and global seminar business based in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area since 2002. Her client base includes the local Dallas-Fort Worth area, U.S., and internationally and is available for sessions.
Angela's teaching and lecturing experiences include: BodyTalk Fundamentals, BodyTalk Fundamentals Integration, MindScape, Advanced MindScape, MindScape for BodyTalkers, Emotional Resolution Professional Trainer, and a guest speaker at international education conferences. Angela, and her husband Todd, are cocreators and cofacilitators of the Monday Group Session and facilitate online personal growth and holistic healing study groups with participants around the world.
Angela enjoys teaching and connecting with audiences of all backgrounds such as corporate executives, business owners, computer technology professionals, advertisement/marketing experts, entrepreneurs, wellness professionals, creatives, students, scientists, medical professionals, athletes, families, and individuals.
Angela teaches a guided alpha state meditation technique called MindScape. The MindScape course teaches students to access a state of calm, open focus. This form of structured intuition allows people of all ages to easily connect with the creative zone state and apply it to daily living with amazing results. She has facilitated workshops for over 3,500 students in the United States, Japan, Brazil, Canada, and Germany.
Angela and Todd own and operate a holistic practice and global seminar business based in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area since 2002. Her client base includes the local Dallas-Fort Worth area, U.S., and internationally and is available for sessions.